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Determine Your Housing Needs Before You Begin Searching

[ 0 ] August 31, 2010 |

How can I determine my housing needs before I begin the search?

The answer to this question, like most, will differ from person to person, family to family.  Buying a home is a personal and individualized process, but there are a few things that should generally be considered by all potential home buyers.

Once you have determined the amount of house you can afford, then you need to start figuring out what your needs are and how they fit into your financial parameters.  Some things to consider would be: number of bedrooms, garage size, location and even floor plan.

In my opinion it is vital to consider not only your current lifestyle and family situation, but also keep in mind your plans and goals in upcoming years.  For example, it would be wise to consider how long you plan to stay in the house before you are going to be ready to re-sell it.  Additionally it is important to keep physical limitations in mind.

Where will the laundry be located in the house?  Can you carry laundry to and from that location with easy on a regular basis?  You own two cars, will you have enough room in a two car garage for your cars and all the other items that tend to accumulate in the garage?  You currently live in a two bedroom apartment and there is plenty of room, will a two bedroom house still suffice if you grow your family in the next couple of years?  These are just a few of the many scenarios you might want to consider when figuring out what your housing needs are.

Your personal understanding of your needs and short term goals, coupled with the knowledge and expertise of your Buyer’s Agent should simplify the process of determining the specifics of your housing needs.

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